Day 1 – Painful Pursuit to Toned Terrificness

I’m totally loving the cool weather of late. I thoroughly enjoy wearing jeans & jumpers and feeling snug. What I hate though, is feeling sluggish, wobbly & jiggly and just plain unfit.

So, I’ve decided, it’s time to tone this temple!

(I finished that sentence with an exclamation mark to suggest I’m totally excited & motivated for this, but in truth, it’s more so because I’m trying my absolute best to convince myself that this is going to be a good thing…)

Hence the reason I’m sharing my plan & possible plight right here. So (at last count) 131 of you lovely folk, can either join me in action or in support.

Although my real action on the exercise front started on Monday with what felt like 5000 squats + a workout last night too, my Painful Pursuit to Toned Terrificness challenge officially starts today!

If perhaps you want to join me on this exercise escapade please note that the ‘equipment’ I will be using will be: boxing ‘bag mitts’ i.e. a lighter version of a boxing glove – perfect for speed, accuracy & technique + boxing punch pads (for my partner in punching!). NO other whiz bang equipment is required at all.

So, without further ado, let’s get totally smokin’ starting with:


10 regular squats

(Feet shoulder width apart. Back straight. Tummy in. Lower your torso (keep back straight) as you bend knees to almost sitting position – knees should not go beyond ankles. Go back to starting position)

10 jump squats

(As per regular squat, however instead of returning to original position, jump up and then repeat. Go carefully, hard on knees)

10 inner thigh squats

(Feet wider than shoulder width. Toes pointing outwards. Lower torso until thighs are parallel with floor & slowly raise yourself)

15 crunches

(Lie flat with knees bent, feet on floor. Hands can be hovered on knees (easy), crossed on chest (harder) or rested gently behind head (hardest). Crunch shoulders up, lower back must remain on floor & control back down)

15 bicycle crunches (15 each leg)

(Lie flat with lower back pressed to floor. With hands gently holding your head, left knees to 45* angle. Start bicycle pedal motion and alternate elbows touching opposite knee as you twist from one to another)

15 leg raises

(Lie flat with legs out, arms by your side. Engage core muscles – imagine belly button pushing lower back flat against floor. Keep feet together & legs straight as you raise to 45* angle and control the movement back down to just above floor & repeat)

30 second mountain climbers

(With your hands & toes on the floor, your body forming a bridge, alternate bringing each knee up to your chest repeatedly)

40 second plank

(Rest your forearms & toes on the floor. Torso & legs should remain rigid – no sagging or bending. Keep neck relaxed & face towards the floor.  Maintain plank position)

REST (Put boxing mitts on & get a partner)

1 minute jabs

(Partner holds pads in front of you. Alternate left, right. Your left arm punches diagonally across & vice versa. Stand with 1 foot forward & 1 back and maintain that stance)


1 minute upper jabs

(Partner holds pads at your shoulder height (roughly) facing down. Alternate left, right. Punch opposite pad & maintain the same stance)


1 minute outer jabs

(Partner has arms apart with pads facing inwards. Alternate left, right. Punch across your body to the opposite pad & maintain the same stance)


I will adjust this workout every day and it will continue for the next 30 days.  I would be totally stoked if you joined me on this pursuit to terrificness! Sandy, you must have read my mind based on your response on Facebook yesterday! Hahaha

Kiz xx

Definition of Ter-rif-ic-ness – A state of being when a person is not only terrific but toned too.